Legal notice

This site is edited and managed by Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin Pôle Sud-Ouest (IFV Sud-Ouest)

Institut de la vigne et du vin pôle Sud-Ouest
Brames Aigues, BP22
81 310 Lisle Sur Tarn
Tel: +33 563 336 262
Website :

Director of publication: Eric Serrano

Head office:
Institut de la vigne et du vin
Domaine de l'Espiguette
30240 Le Grau du Roi
Tel: +33 466 800 020
N° SIRET : 775 878 390 00019

Société Graphibox
Rue des Tuileries
BP 37
32200 Gimont
Tel: 05 62 67 88 20 - 09 72 39 38 31
N° SIRET : 43340577600033
N° APE / NAF : 6201Z
Email :

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Web hosting
Website hosted by Graphibox
Rue des Tuileries
BP 37
32200 Gimont
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N° APE / NAF : 6201Z
Email :

Personal data
The user is informed that in accordance with the articles of the law referring to data processing, files and freedom (January 6, 1978), he has the right to modify, correct and suppress the data which concerns him by a simple request.
Should you wish to exercise this right, contact us at:

IFV Sud-Ouest
Brames Aigues, BP22
81 310 Lisle Sur Tarn
Tel: +33 563 336 262
Email :

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Photo: Tamás Majoros @ Fuji Foto Centrum, Eger, Hungary
Photo: Philippe Larignon, IFV, France
Photo: Christina Carlos, ADVID, Portugal

Projekt je financiran sredstvima Europske unije putem Obzor 2020 programa za istraživanja i inovacije, ugovor broj 652601.
legal notice - copyrights Winetwork @2015